DUO Self-Service Portal Instructions

The DUO self-service portal allows users to enroll into DUO two factor authentication and maintain their own devices. You can use this portal to view your current devices, enroll new devices, change your preferred authentication method, re-active them, and more. 

You can access your DUO self-service portal by doing the following: 

Faculty and Staff

  1. Open any web browser and navigate to ‘http://duo.yibangyi.net

  2. Log in with your Jag Number and JagNet password

    Screen shot of logging into duo

  3. Verify your authentication attempt using DUO

    Screenshot of Duo Authentication

Vendors and Contractors

  1. Open any web browser and navigate to ‘http://vpn.yibangyi.net’
  2. Log in with your Active Directory username and password that created for you
    Login Screenshot for Vendors
  3. Click ‘My Settings & Devices’ on the left menu and verify using one of the options presented
    Settings and Devices Screenshot for Vendors

Once authenticated, you have the following options:

  • View the devices currently being used to provide your secondary password
  • Rename your devices
  • Reactive DUO on a device
  • Delete a device
  • Set preferred authentication methods

Screenshot of Manage Your Devices